In the future I want to work in Japan, or with a company that will allow me to work between Japan and the States. I thought MIC would give me great business experience, expose me to Japanese work culture, teach me useful business skills, and allow me to improve my Japanese simultaneously.

Lifting heavy tables – just kidding. I initially came to MIC with the impression that I would be a full-time web programmer, but in reality I have been working on a wide variety of projects. I have only been here for a short period of time, but I havetranslated over 15 webpages, created a mobile site, made advertisements, modeled for gasoline stand banners, subtitled videos, attended many business meetings, travelled to anothercompany for a meeting, written countless business reports,researched marketing and globalization strategies, and moved many many tables. So far it has been very busy and exciting.Everyday offers new challenges.

I start the day by doing community service with my coworkers.
We sweep the street around the station and enjoy the time outside before getting to work.

By this time, I’m usually deep into my projects. You can find me coding, reserching, or writing reports.

One of my favorite time of the day – Lunch!
I usually go out with 2 or 3 coworkers to a nearby restaurant and eat and talk for an hour. It’s good practice for my Japanese.

Lunch ends and I get back to my projects.My schedule is pretty vague, but that’s because I have different projects everyday.

Somedays, I have a meeting around this time. I gather up all of my reports and present them to my bosses.

My work day is done, and I start making my way to the gym or back home.

I have not been here very long, but so far I have received one really large project, and that was making a mobile version of our inbound webpage. This project required me to pace myself, set small goals everyday, and ask for a lot of help from my supervisor Mr. Okagaki. It was a lengthy process, but I got it done!

This internship is a great opportunity for college students looking to explore their career options. There are a variety of tasks to be done and you get a good taste of everything. The employees are very helpful and welcoming, and you will definitely learn a lot from them. Overall, I would recommend this internship to any college student.

To my fellow college/university students, Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. I am not even fluent in Japanese and here I am working for a Japanese company and having a great time. Just don’t be afraid to get out there and try new things. Especially, now while we are young. It will all work out, I promise!
